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Inspiring Excellence

'Coppice Academy:

Est 1937'


As the Chair of Governors, I am delighted to welcome you to the Governor's page of our school website.

As governors, we all work closely with all stakeholders to ensure our school serves the children, parents and local community in the spirit of “INSPIRING EXCELLENCE ” – our school motto. We are all passionate volunteers from differing backgrounds, beliefs and ages but we work with one common purpose, to promote the education and well-being of children.

We work closely with the Local Authority, other external bodies, all our staff, parents and children to ensure the highest possible standards. We encourage children to aim for the stars and use achievements within the school as an inspiration for other pupils.

The Governor’s role is a strategic one – holding all those engaged in the work of the school to account. We have high expectations of the Senior Leadership Team and this is filtered through the entire school body building an ethos of responsibility and accountability. Every Governor has ownership of and responsibility for a variety of aspects of school life in order to achieve this.

Our school has been the centre of our community for just over eighty years and it is the intention of all the Governors that this should remain to be the case well into the future.

What makes our school very special is the welcoming, happy and courteous ethos we promote and parents and visitors often remark on this. It is our aim to ensure our children are able to learn in a positive and enjoyable environment.

Thank you for visiting the Governor section of our website and we hope you enjoy learning about our truly wonderful school.

Jo Bromige – Chair Of Governors


Chair of Governors

I joined as a Parent Governor in 2015. Both my children have attended Coppice and I am passionate about being a part of the school. I believe that a school functions at its best when parents, staff and governors work together. I am an accountant  and Financial Director and have worked in many different industries over my career. This helps me to see the overall picture and how correct governance can help build a better future for everyone involved and the wider community.


Parent Governor and Vice Chair of Governing Board

I joined Coppice as a Parent Governor in 2016. Both of my parents held long careers in Education and its something I’ve always been interested in. This interest grew once my son started at Coppice and I realised there was so much more involved in running a school than just teaching. My own career in business development, place making, marketing and people management has helped me understand how a school can become more effective through the development of strong partnerships between parents, school and the wider local community. I am particularly passionate about ensuring all children have equal opportunities in life to become the very best they can be. Playing a small part in helping children achieve this is what continually drives my passion to be a governor.


Co-opted Governor & Chair of Teaching & Learning

I have been involved with schools and education for the whole of my working life and since I retired.  I taught history for 17 years and was a Head of History in secondary schools in Scotland and England, led a major curriculum development project in South Warwickshire and ran the Warwickshire Education Business Partnership for 15 years, working with a variety of Primary and Secondary and Special schools and many businesses.  I also chaired the National Education Business Partnership Network. I have been a governor of Coppice since 2010 and currently chair the Teaching and Learning Committee. I am a resident of Coppice Road.

Ron Ridewood

Co-Opted Governor

In October 2024, it was a privilege to be invited to become a Governor of Coppice Academy. I jumped at the opportunity, as one of my passions in life is to make a difference, especially in the lives of young people. Currently working as a Facilities and Estates Manager for a local academy trust, I feel that I can help support Coppice in their vision of ‘Inspiring Excellence,’ whether this be through teaching and learning, or the environment in which the children are taught.

Jill Horswill

Co-opted Governor

I have over 25 years of teaching experience, having recently retired from Dorridge Primary School, where for many years I was also a teacher governor. Even though I trained as a scientist and worked for 10 years in research and pharmaceuticals, within my teaching career I have focused on English. For many years I was English subject lead and for the past eight years I have been an STA Lead Moderator for Writing at KS2, working within Solihull, moderating writing in schools. I am passionate about reading and writing as part of the foundations for lifelong learning. I look forward to working collaboratively with staff to enhance teaching and learning within school and sharing my experience to support the governing body.


Associate Headteacher / Associate Governor

I am the Associate Headteacher at Coppice Academy which I joined in November 2022. It is a thoroughly rewarding job to be leading a forward thinking school with a dedicated and passionate team of staff and governors.


Mark FoWLer

Deputy Headteacher / Associate Governor


Teacher Governor

Having joined Coppice Academy in 2023, I am the Year 5 & 6 Phase Lead, 6S Class Teacher and PE Co-ordinator.
I became a Staff Governor in 2024, having previously been a Staff Governor at my previous school and am looking forward to working collaboratively with fellow Governors.
With 14 years teaching experience across 4 diverse schools in the West Midlands, I feel I can bring key knowledge, valuable insight and positive ideas to help drive improvements in standards at Coppice Academy to      benefit our whole school community.



Parent Governor

I joined as a parent governor in 2021. My oldest attended Coppice and now my youngest is in her final year. I became a governor as I’m passionate about SEND. I work for Solihull Parent carer voice which really helps me in my roles as a governor.


Parent Governor

I have worked as a teacher for 15 years, during which I have held various roles, including Head of Maths, Assistant Headteacher and Specialist Leader of Education. I am passionate about high quality teaching and learning; I value education and I have a strong desire for every child to have access to a high-quality education. I therefore take every opportunity to make a difference in education and I am delighted to join the governing body at Coppice Academy as a parent governor.